A Culture of Academic Excellence and Discipline
To prove that Mathematics subject will always be enjoyable inside and outside the classroom, the Mathematics Department of Imus National High School (INHS) held its annual Math Festival last November 18 to November 22, 2019.
With the theme “Magnifying Mathematics Through Informative Activities for the Digital Generations”, the faculty members of INHS Math Department through the initiative of Marilou M. Martin, Head Teacher VI, and teachers Precylyn C. Arguelles and Mary Grace V. Rovedillo prepared an activity that will showcase innate and unique talents of learners in Mathematics.
This week – long activity has started with an opening program supported by Mr. Arturo P. Rosaroso, Principal IV of INHS. It is followed by the Math Mascot wherein participants will wear costumes made of recycled materials with accordance to the theme.
Outdoor activities were also participated by learners such as Human Calculator and Math Kasya. There were also board games like Chess, Damath, Sudoku, Tower of Hanoi, Rubik’s Cube and Games of the Generals. Students proved that Mathematics can also be in the form of dance, literature and art by joining in Math Dancing Duo, Poster Making, and Math Hugot. Selected students from all grade levels joined in a friendly Battle of the Brains (Quiz Bee) that will test their intelligence in Mathematics subject.
Digital learners and Mathematics embraces one another. Learners shared their skills in using digital art by joining Math Logo Making Contest. Whether it is basic or advanced, learners were also able to create video games related to Mathematics.
The program closed with the finals competition of the Math Jingle and awarding of the winners for each category.
Math is Everywhere!: 2019 Math Festival
November 25, 2019
Sarah Jyne R. Sarreal