A Culture of Academic Excellence and Discipline
BKD Orientation
On 4th of July 2019, Mrs. Digna DC.Claveria, adviser of Barkada Kontra Droga (BKD) called for a meeting to the recently elected officers last July 1,2019. It was the first meeting of BKD held at Grade 10 Guidance office which started at exactly 12:00 noon.
One of the agenda discussed was the orientation of officers about BKD- its objectives, its role and its responsibilities. Creation of group chat was also mentioned for fast connection to each officer.Upcoming activities and projects were presented by the adviser to give the officers idea of what will they be preparing. Layout of BKD uniform was also raised by one of the officers. Recruiting of members was planned to produce a large number of anti-illegal drugs advocates who will lead in making the school a drug-free zone.
Mrs.Gloria R .Dumaguing, the supervising head rendered a short message emphasizing that one can't give what doesn't have.
The meeting last for more than an hour with a promising smile in everyone's face. - Digna DC. Claveria
posting of signages in the school
BKD Co-President Monica Claire Camerino's tactical tackle on posting signs.
BKD Monica Claire Camerinowholeheartedly took the responsibility along with her subordinates on posting sign that tells Imus National High School Main is a free smoking zone. This activity happened in the 24th Day of June 2019, 6:30 am at Imus National High School Main. This had to be done to make the whole school aware of the organization's purpose - Digna DC. Claveria
The Barkada constructed an outreach program for the nearby locations around INHS Main. This happened on the 24th of June, 2019. It was held at the Town Hall of Bucandala III. Now the school will face less issues on this matter. Less news about students doing cigarettes will be heard because of this project.
- Digna DC. Claveria