A Culture of Academic Excellence and Discipline
“See Information and Communication Technology ( ICT ) Differently” that is the catchy slogan of the 2019 Division Cyber Expo Seminar that the 10 Imus National High School teacher attended this June 26, 2019 at Leighton Hall Ballroom, Lancaster New City Community Center, Alapan II, Imus Cavite.
The program started lively with a lot of participants who are so eager to learn about in the said ICT field. This seminar is history breaking because this is the first time that a Cyber Expo is done in a division level and it is such a blessing that it was done in Schools Division of Imus City.
The first keynote speaker is Mr. Abram Y.C Abanil, ICTS Director of DepEd, who pinpointed three major programs that need to be taken care of namely:
1. The Delivery of Digital Technology for the 21st Learners
2. ICT Textbook Package
3. ICT Assisted Learning
After the speech of the first keynote speaker, an open forum was conducted in which a lot of questions are raised and Mr.Abram was able to answer all of it with a positive and professional attitude.
The next speaker comes from the well-known company “MICROSOFT” an Education Program Lead in the personality Ms. Clarissa Segismundo. He was accompany by his colleague namely Mr.Jomar De Leon. Their topics are focus on artificial intelligence, cloud application, chat voice and data analytics. And according to them “It’s not about the technology, it’s about you”.
The next speaker namely Mr. Rey Valenzuela deals with the topic entitled “Internet Etiquette or Netiquette”. He discusses the 10 Rules of Netiquette which really capture the full attentions of all the participants. He stressed “As an educator we should always consider ourselves as public figures that serve as a good examples to everyone.
The next speaker is Ms. Ester A. Patnon of Hubhuman. She discusses the Hubhuman software in which different schools may create a portal that is connected to another schools.
The next speaker is Mr. Adrian C. Cruz, and Educational Technology Specialist. His discussion is focused on the following titles namely Google for Education, Power Searching with Google Search, harnessing the Power of YouTube, Engaging Learning Using Chrome books and Google Educators group (CEG).
And for the last speaker is from the Quipper School in which explains how blended learning may help to solve the educational risk among students.
Imus National High School Main goes Cyber!
2019 Division Cyber Expo Day 1
June 26, 2019
Allan C. Ometer Jr.
Teacher I