A Culture of Academic Excellence and Discipline
green school program
Written by Brandon “Brandy” Parreñas (Teacher 1, Imus National High School Main)
The environment is not only our greatest provider, but it is also our worst nightmare. We should always be reminded of our responsibility to protect her. We should also be aware that taking her for granted may cause negative impacts in our lives. Floods, earthquakes and fires are some of the disasters that the environment may bring us. And so, we heed to the call of becoming faithful servants of the environment. From world-wide actions to the nation-wide events, we engage ourselves to numerous advocacies that will help protect and preserve our beloved environment. And, at the same time, that will prepare us from the environmental adversities that we, humans, might have instigated.
But in Imus National High School – Main, the actions to protect and preserve the environment have taken on a new level. Imus National High School shall not only strengthen the implementation of the environmental conservation practices such as the proper waste segregation and disposal, recycling and reusing, and organic gardening; but also, to take part in the crucial identification and proper execution of the effective plans to prepare us from the unpredictable environmental disasters.
Thus, the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) program in Imus National High School was initiated.

Green School Program
And though this was inspired from one of the “Legacy Projects” of the Honourable Mayor Emmanuel Maliksi, the DRRM Program of Imus National High School City was truly an exceptional one because it does not only aim to create a sustainable, hazard-free community, it also aims to make the Imusenos, especially the students, environmentally-informed and disaster-ready – thus, “humanizing” the DRRM Program for the citizens.
But, why “humanize”?
Because, even though the existing City of Imus DRRM program had been considered suitable, sustaining the positive results and scaling them up to effect rippling positive changes in the lives of the Imuseños have been constant challenges.
Because, even though schools are equipped with emergency kits and fire extinguishers, though schools conduct earthquake and fire drills, threats still remain. Disasters and people’s risk to disasters are still present.
Because, even though the City of Imus DRRM programs draw on the latest and most effective disaster risk and management practices and theories around the globe, the underlying causes of our vulnerability to calamities have not yet been fully recognized and addressed.
Because, even though the City of Imus had been reinforcing the DRRM programs through various mechanisms such as the earthquake and fire drills, basic first-aid training, evacuation plans, instalment of fire extinguishers and localized sand, hazard mapping, vegetable faming, allocation of emergency, first-aid and hygiene kits, and DRRM inclusion in the curriculum, we still suffer tremendously and were exposed to many hazards which were exacerbated by the lack of early warning systems, poor risk governance and an absence of civil-protection mechanisms.
And, how to “humanize”?
In order to address this, Imus National High School had initiated innovative DRRM programs entitled “The Junior Medics” and “Kiddie Marshall.” These programs are considered a complete paradigm shift from “DRRM as drills and equipment” to “DRRM as a competent individual.” Through these programs, Imus National High School had solidified the idea that “disaster preparedness is not only about the presence of the fire extinguishers and emergency kits in school premises, it is about the formation and action of the well-informed and fully-equipped individual.”
Thus, the questions:
How can one save lives in the time of catastrophe if one does not know the basic medical procedures?
How can one extinguish the fire if one does not know how to use the fire extinguisher?
How can one escape the falling debris during an earthquake if one is not informed of the evacuation plan?
Sponsored by the City Government of Imus and encouraged by our Honourable Mayor Emmanuel Maliksi, seminars and trainings shall be provided to the willing members of the Junior Medics and Kiddie Marshall in order for them to be oriented with the principles of good governance within the context of environmental protection and disaster risk reduction and management.
Hence, it is rightfully expected that after the seminar workshops and trainings, members shall be equipped with knowledge and skills about disaster prevention and mitigation, disaster preparedness, disaster response and disaster recovery and rehabilitation which they are expected to apply once calamities strike our community.
In the end, Imus National High School challenges itself to adhere to the goals and aspirations of the City of Imus into becoming a modern, green and safe community that will be emulated by the whole world by complementing an effective delivery of a "humanized" DRRM program to the Imusenos.