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      Through the initiative of Barkada Kontra Droga (BKD) together with School Anti-Drug Abuse Council  (SADAC)  under the leadership of Mr. Arturo P. Rosaroso Jr. and  focal person Digna  DC. Claveria. The five (5) consecutive Friday training  was set forth by a proposal  and a letter sent to the two stakeholders/partners  in drug advocates. With the help of Mrs. Carmille Jam S.Lim, Grade 9 curriculum chairman, Mrs. Maribel M. Luig,, curriculum overseer and Grade 9 Guidance teachers under the supervision of  Mrs. Gloria R. Dumaguing, Guidance counselor , selected Grade 9 students  were  able  to participate  in the training.  In the  implementation of the  activity, a matrix was prepared wherein topics to be discussed  are  scheduled.  
    On the first Friday, February 7, 2020, an opening program  was conducted at the covered court.  The overview of the topics and the training as a whole were briefly discussed. Different speakers were also introduced. Philippine National Police (PNP) Imus  under the leadership of PNP Colonel Vicente O. Amante shortly talked about how  drugs affect our youths nowadays.  Police Executive Master Sergeant (PEMS)  Sargeant Magdalena A. Valdez emphasized that the youths ,as the target,  must focus on studying  well and finish studies.  Regional Mobile Force Batallion (RMFB) Region IV A  Field Officer also mentioned some reasons why the youths can easily be enticed  to join groups engaged in acts of terrorism.  In addition, the school head shared an inspiring message. Other representatives of RMFB 4A and PNP Imus were also present during the program.  BKD focal person, department heads, Guidance teachers.  Curriculum chairmen and overseers and  Grade 9  students  were  present, too.  
      On the second Friday, comprehensive  lectures were  offered by the invited speakers from RMFB4A  and  PNP Imus. Drug Abuse Awareness specifically  salient features of drugs  was discussed.  The  conduct of the training happened at the 4th Flr of GAD Bldg, a multi-purpose building of Imus NHS. 
      During the discussions, some questions were posted by the speakers PNP Assistant  PSSG Jaevon Ulysses O. Mangondon, Police Officer Training (PAT) Gency D. Cordova, PLT  Jowel C. Golimlim and PEMS Magdalena A. Valdez . Students  in response answered confidently.  Then after the more than an hour lecture, students received  a Valentine gift from the speakers . February 21, 2020 was the third Friday of the training. Crime Prevention and Reporting System  was one of the topics. Cyber crime  and EO No. 70. NTF ELCAC  or National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) - institutionalizing the whole-of-nation approach in attaining inclusive and sustainable peace, creating a national task force to end local communist armed conflict, and directing the adoption of a national peace framework were also tackled.  Scope on the creation of EO No.70 and the extent of CCP-NPA-NDF Infiltration to bureaucracy were discussed thoroughly.  PAT  Charlo Agus  demonstrated how  youths are easily allured  by  group of NPAs and other communist parties. 
      The participants took notes on the ways to prevent engagement in those  illegal activities.  At the end of the lecture, everyone was sufficiently fed with much information needed to avoid being  influenced by  anti-  government groups. 
      On the 5th session  of the  training (February 28, 2020) the topic was Orientation on the youth and Student Recruitment by the CPP– NDF—NPA. This time our principal invited the speakers and participants to hold the activity  in his office. Student leaders from Grade 9 level attended the activity. It is the last activity of the  5-day training  in anti-drug abuse and terrorism . Election of the BKD Officers followed. 
      With utmost appreciation and gratitude from Barkada Kontra Droga and School Anti-Drug Abuse Council to Kabataan  Kontra Droga at Terorismo (KKDAT) Regional Mobile Force Batallion IVA and PNP Imus. KUDOS to all of them!

INHS - Barkada Kontra Droga undergoes Anti-Drug and Terrorism Training

March 28, 2020

Digna DC. Claveria

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