A Culture of Academic Excellence and Discipline
INHS conducts Moral Recovery /Leadership Webinar
June 25, 2021
Digna DC. Claveria
On June 25, 2021, at exactly 9:00 in the morning, the School Anti-Drug Abuse Council and Barkada Kontra Droga (BKD) participated in INHS Moral Recovery/Leadership Webinar conducted by the Guidance advocates headed by Mrs. Gloria R. Dumaguing, Guidance Counselor III and hosted by Mrs. Myra C. Torres in an online platform.
Mr. Arturo P. Rosaroso,Jr. a transformational leader and the school head, gave his very inspiring words to the participants. “A leader serves, NOT to be served. What you have done today will be remembered tomorrow. So be positive in every way. ”according to him. “The school is making its all efforts to cater all the needs of its learners from making the academic state excellent, upgrading its quality in facilities and infrastructure and up skilling its teaching and non-teaching staffs to provide quality and very satisfactory service to its stakeholders especially to its learners. Being part of the academe, be responsible in posting to social media which might stain the good image of the school. Nothing harmful/ disastrous moves or acts are being implemented in the school but purely for everyone’s welfare and sake. If you think you are not contented, then you might talk to me directly and give your suggestions.”, Rosaroso added in his message.
Ma’am Dumaguing, as the discussant of the said webinar describes what a leader is- his/her good qualities, how he will manage his members and how to deal with problems encountered by the organization. She then told the story of the eagle. One of the characteristics of an eagle is it doesn’t eat dead meat. Like a leader, one must not listen to hearsays, he must trust himself. He must know how to weigh everything before making a conclusion. After which, students were asked to participate actively by answering some questions and giving their point of views on some of the key topics discussed.
It was so evident that the participants really grasped the discussion. They listened well during the discussant’s hour. It turned out that the webinar’s outcome made an exceptional impact to them. Due to this, the school head recommends to extend the webinar to all other students from Grade 7 to Grade 1o during their ECA class.
The webinar was participated by other inter-organization officers and attended by the over-all student organizations adviser Mrs. Monneth M. Delantar, BKD adviser Mrs. Digna DC. Claveria and Mr. Edward Mahinay of MAPEH department. School department heads were also present.