A Culture of Academic Excellence and Discipline
open high school
Written by: Marivel T. Dela Cruz, Guidance Officer
Imus National High School is gearing towards service excellence for the betterment of Imuseños. Its commitment is proven out of the recognitions received recently on an International National, Regional and Division Level. Through the concerted effort of the different offices and departments, the institution is now considered one of the frontrunners among the schools in Region IV-A, CALABARZON. The continuous determination to achieve even greater possibilities in terms of academic excellence is currently at work.
Nevertheless, drop out and retention rate of the school must also be given utmost priority to adhere with the international standard and address the call of the Philippine government on Education for All (EFA). A drop out reduction intervention would be made possible through the Open High School Program (OHSP) of INHS. The OHSP which addresses learning problems of students who cannot be able to attend classes on a regular basis due to justifiable motives like physical impairment, employment and distance of home. Based on Republic Act No.10665 or the Open High School System Act, students acquire the necessary skill through the open learning modality. It allows working students or previously out-of-school-youth (OSY) to continue studying using a specialized module. Each learner studies at his own pace and consults with teacher and capable persons when needed. The learner therefore would undergo an Independent Learning Readiness Test ( ILRT ) to assess his / her capacity for self directed learning and Informal Reading Inventory ( IRI ) to measure his/her reading level. The learner has to attend four (4) to five (5) sessions a month. This is in compliance with DepEd Order No. 46 s. 2006 known as “Guidelines on the Pilot Implementation of the Open High School Program (OHSP)
The reported success in the implementation of the OHSP to various schools from the different regions of the country and nearby cities is an inspiration of Imus National High School knowing that it will benefit Imuseños in the Division of Imus City to complete Junior High School curriculum. Furthermore, the support of the stakeholders as well as the city government of Imus would be able to sustain the program because of the availability of additional resources that are being offered.
In compliance with DepEd Order No. 46 s. 2006 known as “ Guidelines on the Pilot Implementation of the Open High School Program (OHSP),” the OHSP of Imus National High School as a Drop Out Reduction Program ( DORP ) intervention , aims to :
Provide opportunity to all elementary graduates, junior high school drop-outs, and successful examinees of the Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) to complete Junior High School curriculum;
Prevent potential school leavers and encourage those who are out of school to enroll through quality distance education;
Reduces high school drop outs and increases participation / retention rate of the school ; and
Educate the SARDOs and drop outs to become independent and creative problem solvers