Synopsis: Southwest Monsoon affecting Luzon and Visayas.
Forecast Weather Conditions
Place: Pagnasinan, Zambales, Bataan, Mindoro provinces and Palawan
Weather Condition: Monsoon rains
Caused by: Southwest Monsoon
Impacts: Possible flash floods or landslides due to scattered light to moderate at times to heavy rains
Place: Metro Manila, Western Visayas and the rest of Luzon
Weather Condition: Cloudy skies with scattered rainshowers and thunderstorms
Caused by: Southwest Monsoon
Impacts: Possible flash floods or landslides during server thunderstorms
Place: Mindanao and the res of Visayas
Weather Condition: Partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated rainshowers
Caused by: Localized Thunderstorms
Impacts: Possible flash floods or landslides during severe thunderstorms
Forecast Wind and Coastal Water Conditions
Place: Luzon and Western Visayas
Wind Speed: Moderate to Strong
Wind Direction: Southwest to South
Coastal Waters: Moderate to Rough / (1.2 to 3.4 meters)
Place: The rest of the country
Wind Speed: Light to Moderate
Wind Direction: Southwest to South
Coastal Waters: Slight to Moderate / (0.6 to 2.1 meters)
Extremes of Temperature and Relative Humidity for The 24-hour Period Ending At 8:00 PM YESTERDAY.
Minimum Temperature: 25.1°C ... 3:40 AM
Maximum Temperature: 27.9°C ... 1:50 PM
Minumum Relative Humidity: 84% ... 6:00 AM
Maximum Relative Humidity: 94% ... 1:00 PM
High Tide TODAY : 9:01AM ... 1.32 m
Sunrise today : 5:31 AM
Sunset today : 6:29 PM
Moonset today : 6:01 PM
Moonrise Tomorrow : 4:43 AM
Illumination tomorrow : 0%
For other information about weather, please log on to www.pagasa.dost.gov.ph or bagong.pagasa.dost.gov.ph or call at (02)927-1335/(02)926-4258