A Culture of Academic Excellence and Discipline
Psychosocial First Aid
Preparing teachers in the opening of classes
August 23, 2022
Marivel T. Dela Cruz
Imus National High School was able to facilitate MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS AND PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT last August 19, 2022 at 8:00 AM in order to orient teachers in addressing the mental needs of the learners for this SY 2022-2023. The conduct of face to face classes will start on August 22 and necessary information is needed to cope up with the challenges brought by the pandemic. The teaching personnel who attended the said event was also taught about PSYCHOSOCIAL FIRST AID which could be of help in order for them to validate and normalize their feelings.
Participants emotionally expressed their thoughts and feelings during the lecture proper facilitated by the school guidance counselor, Gloria R. Dumaguing together with the guidance advocates. According to the teachers, the learnings would give them a positive outlook in life despite of all the trials they are experiencing in this challenging time. Mrs. Dumaguing, who shared her expertise in the field of counseling, was grateful for the opportunity given to her by Mrs. Maria Elena D. Lomeda, Head Teacher VI of the EsP Department. . Different activities were conducted to make the participants more engaging like ways on how to cope up with stress, anxiety and others.